Annual General Meeting Sept 16, 2023
On the bright sunny morning of Saturday, 16th September 2023, the Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships Alumni Association of Uganda (CSFAAU) held a successful elective Annual General Meeting. Supported by the British Council, the AGM was held at the Sheraton Hotel in Kampala.
The meeting started with welcome remarks from Ms Phiona Kangorobe, the outgoing Deputy Treasurer, followed by announcements and general communication about the agenda by the Outgoing Secretary Mr Patrick Okeng, who was also the MC for the day.
The outgoing Vice Chairman, Mr. Ibarahim Kasule, led the members present physically and online through a hearty session on introductions. With each member sharing what they are passionate about, this session truly depicted the need for networking events for alumni that foster partnerships and opportunity sharing.
After introductions, a presentation was shared by a representative from the British Council, Ms Caroline Kiconco. Highlights from her presentation included:
1. A background about the Commonwealth Scholarships.
2. Platforms available for the alumni to showcase their work.
3. Support available for alumni from the British Council.
4. Engagements for alumni to participate in.
5. Gaps in alumni engagement, majorly limited participation by alumni.
The above presentation was followed by another by the outgoing Chairman, Mr Arthur Niwagaba. He gave a report for the year 2022/23, highlighted our key activities, successes and challenges, and then concluded with a word of encouragement for the incoming executive team.
The election of the incoming committee was presided over by Ms Caroline Kiconco. With the new team presented to the association, the event concluded with remarks from the new Chairman, Mr Collin Ogara, and the Vice Chairperson, Ms Zahara Namanda.
The meeting was adjourned at about 2:30 pm to allow the attendants to enjoy a festive lunch at the hotel.